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Thai-Style Red Snapper Topped with Turmeric Shallot Ginger

Thai-Style-Red-Snapper-Topped-with-Turmeric-Shallot-Ginger Further Food

This is one of my favorite restaurant-inspired dishes that I only make at home now. It doesn’t requires much skill, just attention to detail. Most any fish will work with this preparation so long as it has some thickness to the cut and you can leave the skin on if you so choose.

The greatest thing about the ingredients showcased here is their potency. You can use a little and still get a great intensity of flavor.The combination of turmeric, ginger, lime and red chili make for a simple, yet exotic flavor profile. This is an easy dish to execute and beyond providing a good amount of lean protein, the rest of the ingredients are some of the most beneficial to such a restricted diet. Don’t be scared by the bit of salt in the dish as the overall sodium content per serving is still well within an appropriate daily range.

Further Food Commentary:

Turmeric is a great spice to add to any savory dish! It has been shown to increase the liver's production of antioxidant-stimulating enzyme glutathione-S-transferase and aids in liver detoxification. Not only are the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish anti-inflammatory, they also help the body to utilize turmeric more readily.

It is important to note that snapper, and halibut, have a moderate mercury content, which could cause an increase in stress on those, like Ian, with liver diseases (and those that are healthy, depending on levels of consumption). Over-exposure to mercury can cause a narrowing of blood vessels in the liver, as well as decreasing production of one of the body's most potent antioxidants, glutathione, and increasing production of alanine transaminase, a clinical indicator of liver damage. When consumed infrequently, snapper and halibut should be fine. Wild salmon, pollock, freshwater trout, Pacific sole, and Atlantic haddock are good lower-mercury substitutions, if you consume fish on a more regular basis.


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