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Nutritionist Elissa Goodman’s Tips For How To Eat Out AND Stick With a Sugar Free Diet

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Eating out can be tricky if you are on the Further Food 10 Day Sugar Detox Plan or just trying to eat healthy and sugar free. However, it is possible! Here, Certified Holistic Nutritionist Elissa Goodman gives her tips on how to eat out on a sugar free diet. She covers what to do before your go out and what to you at the restaurant to keep sugar free. So read on and be prepared next time you go out to eat. You can eat out and stick with your healthy diet!

Whether you are trying to stick to a sugar free diet or on a sugar detox, it’s always easiest to eat at home and make your own food. That way you are in control of exactly what goes in your food. However, that’s not realistic for the long term. Many of our social and work lives involve going to a restaurant for a meal. You may be wondering just how to eat out on a sugar free diet? l want you to know that you can eat out and still stick to your healthy diet! It takes some planning, but by following these tips, you can be confident that you are making the healthiest choices available without giving up your favorite restaurant!


Eat a small snack before you go out to eat. Not arriving to your destination in a state of starvation will help you choose your food with a clear head. A handful of nuts, one-fourth of an avocado with sea salt or a tablespoon of almond butter are all great options. Maybe try putting a couple teaspoons of chia seeds in 8 ounces of water… not only will it properly hydrate you, it will cut your appetite as well.

Pass on the bread. If everyone at your table is in agreement on eating sans the bread basket, simply ask your serve not to bring it. You may be able to request some olives or cut vegetables instead.

Start with a salad. A lot of appetizers are fried or breaded, so sticking with a salad may be the healthiest option for to start a meal. Always ask for olive oil and vinegar or oil, lemon juice and sea salt if you want dressing.

Further Food 10 Day Sugar Detox

Go for the protein and vegetables. Grilled, roasted or broiled fish, chicken, tofu or lean meat along with sautéed veggies are a safe bet. Ask if they can use olive oil and drizzle lemon on top. If you don’t see any dishes prepared this simply on the menu, just ask. It’s likely that they will be able to make it for you. Avoid sauces and dips, because they are laden with hidden sugars, poor oils, gluten and dairy. Skip the starches and ask for double vegetables.

Follow “hari hachi bu.” Do as the Okinawan Japanese do and stop eating when you are 80 percent full. Instead of eating until you are uncomfortably FULL, eat until you are NO LONGER HUNGRY!

Know before you go. If possible, check out the menu before you go so that you can decide in advance what you’d like to eat. When you arrive you’ll already have a plan-stick with it!

Suggest a healthy restaurant. If it’s up to you to choose the meeting spot, offer some places that have healthy options. Having done the research in advance will help you be prepared with suggestions that will be good for everyone! It makes it much easier to eat out on a sugar free diet.

Eat fruit instead of dessert! (It’s nature’s candy!) Fresh fruit—especially berries that have a low glycemic load—is the best way to satisfy your sweet tooth. Another trick I like is BYO dessert! Stick a square or two of dark chocolate in your bag and have that instead of any dessert at the restaurant.

Plan in advance: Brainstorm restaurants where you know the menu includes items you are okay with eating so you’re able to offer a variety of suggestions when you’re considering a meal out. It’s okay to go so far as to review menus so you know what you can order.

Use some of these tips next time you eat out while on a sugar free diet. Being prepared will only make everything easier! You can still go out to eat-but remember it’s about spending time with family and friends rather than overeating and sabotaging your diet!

Get more diet and wellness tips from Elissa hereBy Clicking the Link.

Further Food 10 Day Sugar Detox

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Sugar Detox Do’s and Don’ts Answered By a Registered Dietitian

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