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My Food Guide: What to Avoid and What to Enjoy to Control Multiple Sclerosis

Replacing Meds with Food to Control MS a Meal Plan
When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I decided to forgo the prescription medications and to fight using fresh vegetables as my weapon! The reason for treating myself through my diet is simple: I do not believe prescription drugs are the panacea. Many of them cause side effects, and then you end up taking more to counteract the side effects! Additionally, I have reacted poorly to prescription drugs in the past, hence my fear of prescription drugs. I went from a flare up when my body totally shut down to an active, high-functioning lifestyle using food as my remedy. Since this transformation, I have developed my own guide to using food as a means of controlling my MS. With these “food rules,” I’m able to keep inflammation down and prevent recurring MS episodes. Take a look! Foods I Avoid: Through my research and experimentation I’ve found I need to avoid:* Inflammatory foods
  • Sugar
  • Dairy
  • Preservatives (pre-packaged food)
All corn & soy products Added Salt
  • While I avoid adding salt to food...once in a while I will have salted spelt pretzel and chips and dip (if I’m entertaining guests)
Added sugar
  • If I’m backing cooking for a special occasion, I’ll use raw forms like turbinado or sucanat. But I will cut back on the amount asked for in the recipe.
Potential allergens
  • Milk
  • Crustacean shellfish
  • Tree nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Wheat
  • Soybean
*I read all labels and if the ingredients for some bottle items are ok, then I will eat those on occasion, such as tomato sauces made by our local farmers. Foods I can enjoy: All vegetables! The following fruit (and in abundance!):
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Avocados
  • Lemons and limes
Ancient grains Eggs (almost everyday!) They are natural, they are packed with protein and they do not bother me. I’ll make them scrambled, fried in coconut, almond or pumpkin oil, or hard-boiled. Proteins
  • Chicken
  • Chicken sausage
  • Turkey
  • Turkey sausage
  • All non-shellfish (lots of salmon)
  • Red meat (2 or 3 times a month)
I believe that most diseases can be avoided, controlled and sometimes healed, if you eat a proper diet. And sure, I do cheat occasionally. After all, I had to give up most of my favorite foods and find new ones! But mostly, I’ve followed the foods to eat and foods to avoid according to my research, and I have been able to slow (and almost stop) the progression of my MS! Check out some more of my health-supportive recipes! Lunch Smoothie Baked Salmon Spinach Salad Vegetable Egg Scramble Note: PLEASE consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or medications. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only, and is not to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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