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Watermelon, Feta, Arugula Salad or Bites

Watermelon-Feta-Arugula-Salad-or-Bites Further Food

Summertime to me means watermelon! I love the combination of sweet juicy watermelon and salty feta – so I created this salad and added in the spiciness of the arugula to the mix. In the spirit of “My Lazy Girl” recipes, this super easy salad can be easily tossed together in 10 minutes to wow any cookout guest. OR you can take a bit more time to artfully cut the watermelon and feta into cubes and stack them to very fancy looking hors d’oeuvres – it will surely impress!

Further Food Commentary:

This simple recipe screams summer simplicity, if you ask me! Super sweet watermelon pairs surprisingly well with the tangy and tart feta and fresh, peppery arugula.

One cup of watermelon, at only 46 calories and virtually zero fat, provides 17% of your daily vitamin A and 19% of vitamin C -- both having antioxidant properties that offer protection for your skin. Watermelon is also loaded with the red pigment lycopene, which may reduce risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Perhaps the most important benefit of including this juicy fruit in your diet this time of year? It's more than 90% water, helping keep you naturally hydrated!


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