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Turmeric Stove Top Oats

Turmeric-Stove-Top-Oats Further Food

These oats are natural, made with whole ingredients and I’ve even snuck in a few extra ingredients that bring the nutrition of these oats to another level! For example, adding black pepper and a fat like coconut oil to oatmeal might sound weird but it helps with the absorption of turmeric so don’t skip that but if you don’t have all the ingredients, don’t fret! Just try it anyways or replace an ingredient. Even if zucchini and egg whites sound weird in your oats they really are not… Just trust me friends.
Here are some ways you can experiment with your oats to make them more filling (so you’re not hungry in an hour like I am) or for added nutrients!

Add protein via collagen because it’s tasteless! (I use Further Food)
Add protein via egg whites (makes it super creamy)
Add grated vegetables (like zucchini used here)
Also, just an FYI, I like my oats more liquidy instead of solid and hard…it’s a texture thing for me. If you like them harder, add a bit less liquid.

To be honest, half the reason I love oats so much is because I love ALL the toppings I get to play with on them. I’ll list some of the toppings I use regularly and link them below. Don’t think you need to buy them all or any. They are just additional fun ways to add texture and sweetness but if you do, know that they last for sooo long. I use maybe 1 teaspoon of each topping at a time and those packages go for a long time.

Further Food Commentary:

In just one cup of zucchini, it contains 21 calories, boasting 24% of recommended intake of vitamin C and 43% of recommended intake of healthy eyesight promoting lutein and zeaxanthin. In addition, one obtains an excellent amount of vitamin K and manganese, which plays a role in reversing affect of ‘blood thinning’ medications. Chia seeds contain a great source of soluble fiber, which is helpful for lowering LDL 'bad' cholesterol.' Specifically, with 10 g of fiber in each 2 tablespoon serving, you can't beat that! In addition, chia seeds are rich in protein, calcium, antioxidants and omega 3s. They are one of the richest plant based sources of alpha linoleic acid, aiding in the reduction of inflammation, high cholesterol and enhancing cognitive performance.


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