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10 Foods That Fight Candida Naturally

10 Foods That Naturally Fight Candida

If you suffer from mood swings, seasonal allergies, digestive issues, or frequent yeast infections, you may have Candida overgrowth. The good news is there are ways to naturally fight Candida with certain food choices.

 What is this overgrowth, exactly? A small amount of Candida (yeast) resides in your mouth and intestines to aid digestion, but your medications, diet, and environment can all change your normal balance of Candida. When it’s overproduced, it breaks down the wall of the intestines and enters directly into the bloodstream, where it releases toxic byproducts that can cause a leaky gut.

 To treat it, starve the yeast by removing all sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, dried fruit, fruit juices, fermented foods*, vinegars**, and mushrooms. Limit legumes and grains to 1 cup a day. Then focus on eating more of the foods that naturally fight Candida:

  1. Coconut oil Coconut oil naturally contains a fatty acid, called caprylic acid, which interferes with Candida growth by poking holes in the walls of the yeast cells, causing them to die off.
  2. Garlic Garlic contains allicin, a sulphur-containing compound with natural antifungal properties, specific to Candida. Eat it raw for the full benefits.
  3. **Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar is the one type of vinegar allowed on a Candida diet. Research on apple cider vinegar is limited, but it appears to contain enzymes that help break down the yeast.
  4.  Cruciferous Vegetables Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, arugula, cabbage, and radishes, contain isothiocyanates, the sulphur- and nitrogen-containing compounds that attack Candida.
  5. Ginger Ginger contains gingerols and shogaols, the anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal components of the ginger root. Additionally, ginger provides significant liver support while your body is detoxifying the Candida overgrowth.
  6. Olive Oil Olive, flax, avocado, and primrose oils contain polyphenols, which are antioxidants that can help your body fight Candida. Cloves Cloves naturally contain eugenol, a powerful essential oil and extremely effective antifungal when taken internally.
  7.  Cinnamon Cinnamon is an anti-inflammatory spice with added anti-fungal properties that damage yeast cells, causing them to eventually die off.
  8.  Wild Salmon Wild Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are also known to fight fungal infections.
  9. Lemon Juice The essential oil of lemons contains mild anti-fungal properties. Lemon’s main role in the diet is to help detoxify your liver as it tries to fight off the Candida. *Fermented foods can feed Candida as well, so I recommend eliminating the Candida overgrowth first and then adding in fermented foods to help build up your beneficial bacteria for a healthy gut. If you would like to find out for sure if you have candida overgrowth, consider seeing a functional medicine doctor, who is trained in detecting and treating candida.

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Note: PLEASE consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or medications. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only, and is not to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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