Our hormones don’t operate in a vacuum. They are interconnected, performing like a big musical symphony. When one becomes out of balance, others are sure to follow.
Sex hormones, healthy blood sugar, and insulin balance are intimately linked. Spikes in insulin, and the insulin resistance that results from eating too much sugar and flour, can lead to acne, irregular menstrual cycles, and make women lose hair where they want it and grow hair where they don’t. Men with blood sugar imbalances have trouble getting or maintaining erections and often get “man boobs.” Not a pretty picture is it?
Maybe of us have accepted these and other symptoms as normal as we age. They’re not. Libido-crashing
mood disorders in which women and men reach for a “little blue pill” don’t have to be a part of the aging process. Lifestyle choices are often to blame and thus these symptoms can be combated by changing our lifestyles. Bad habits such as drinking and smoking, exposure to environmental toxins, and being chronically stressed all diminish sex hormone balance. Yet, the biggest culprit that continually knocks sex hormones out of balance is sugar in all its many forms (including all flour products). Once you understand how sugar and insulin can impact other hormones, you will realize how too much sugar in your diet can wreck your sex life.

1. Sugar lowers testosterone.
In men, insulin resistance brought on by excessive amounts of sugar drives down testosterone, the
hormone responsible for numerous functions including sexual well-being. Sex drive and sexual function take a big hit. Decreased muscle mass and more belly fat are also repercussions of low testosterone in men. That excess body fat can increase levels of the hormone estrogen, leading to low sex drive and trouble getting erections.
In a study published in Clinical Endocrinology, in which 74 men of varying ages underwent an oral glucose tolerance test, researchers found that glucose (sugar) induces a significant reduction in total and free testosterone (T) levels. And testosterone isn’t just a guy’s hormone. Imbalanced levels of this hormone in women can reduce desire, increase body fat, lower muscle mass, and create a fuzzy memory.
2. Sugar creates leptin resistance.
Leptin puts the brake on your appetite. This hormone tells your brain to stop eating.
But when you eat a lot of sugar, processed foods, and flour, leptin doesn’t work anymore. Even though fat cells continue to produce leptin, your brain doesn’t “hear” its call, eventually becoming leptin resistant. I often see insulin resistance and leptin resistance go hand in hand with my patients.
Leptin also monitors sexual behavior.
One study in the journal Clinical Endocrinology looked at three groups of men and found that those with higher leptin levels—most likely due to leptin resistance—also had both significantly higher body mass index (BMI) and lower levels of testosterone.
So, now you have insulin resistance, leptin resistance, and lower testosterone. Can you begin to see how this spells trouble for your sex drive?
3. Sugar reduces growth hormone (GH) production.
Growth hormone (GH) is your “fountain of youth” hormone that you mostly produce during deep sleep. Secreted by the pituitary gland, GH improves muscle mass, helps your body utilize fat, and helps maintain optimal libido.
Researchers find a direct link between GH, insulin levels, and sexual function.
Studies show high insulin levels, often brought on by excessive sugar, reduce your body’s ability to make growth hormone (GH), alter testosterone levels and reduce libido. Reduced muscle mass, increased abdominal obesity, risk for Type 2 diabetes, and lower libido are hallmark symptoms of GH deficiencies
4. Sugar makes you tired.
Sugar and other high-glycemic carbohydrates will increase your blood sugar, leading insulin to pull it back down. Insulin usually over-compensates, bringing your blood sugar down too low and leading to hunger, cravings, and
fatigue. That’s one way to explain how that big bowl of pasta knocks you out of the mood.
Sugar makes you tired in other ways, too.
Orexin is a neurotransmitter that regulates eating behaviors, wakefulness, and arousal. A study published in the journal Neuron found that amino acids (protein) increase orexin neurons and boost alertness. Excessive sugar, on the other hand,
decreased orexin, contributing to fatigue and drowsiness.
5. Sugar triggers stress and anxiety.
Excessive amounts of sugar have an interesting effect on the body, simultaneously leaving you tired but also wired. Why is it that you eat a big piece of chocolate cake and feel full, yet an hour later you crave more, even though you know it makes you feel crummy?
That’s the feeling of your blood sugar crashing, leading to hunger, cravings, brain fog, and a definite not-in-the-mood feeling. Those blood sugar imbalances often trigger mood swings, depression, and anxiety.
High insulin levels also exacerbate chronically elevated levels of cortisol, your stress hormone. When the two hormones stay elevated long after they should taper down, they perform as a team to break down muscle mass, store fat, and dampen libido.
Overall, it’s not a pretty picture.
Want to read more?
Success Story: I Went on a Sugar Detox and Lost 50 lbs and Got Off Painkillers!
Is Alzheimer’s Really a Form of Diabetes? 8 Tips from Dr. Hyman on How You May Prevent and Reverse It!
Take the Sugar Pledge and Join Our Free Sugar Detox Challenge!