Aleshia shares a meal plan she used on her son, Jonny, that helped heal his severe eczema. If you're looking for ideas to use of your kids, read through Aleshia's story and her healing eczema meal plan! This eczema meal plan can also help adults heal their eczema.
I used to be that Mum who was stopped in the street by strangers every time we went out. They would notice his skin condition, then gasp and say, “Oh my goodness, what is wrong with your baby!?” I used to be that Mum who was at the GP's office every week loading up on steroid creams. That Mum who would wake up at 2am every single morning to bathe my son and wet wrap him to help him sleep.
Now, I am that Mum who sometimes even forgets her son has
allergies/eczema. We have developed a gut and skin health-focused diet and a specific eczema diet plan in order to complement strategies we have learned through doctors’ visits. Thanks to this major lifestyle overhaul and eczema diet plan, along with a few environmental changes (e.g. eliminating chemicals used in the house), my son is finally both happy and healthy!
My son’s eczema has dramatically improved since avoiding wheat, sugar, gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, nuts, nightshades, corn, yeast and mushrooms, as well as incorporating specific probiotics and supplements into his diet. Even with all these restrictions, there are so many great foods we can still eat!
Take a look at my eczema diet plan for managing my son’s allergies and eczema through food.
Day One
Winter Goodness Juice
Banana Buckwheat Pancake and
Coconut Yogurt
Sweet Potato Chips
Vegetable plate with hummus
Organic Coconut Milk or Organic Rice Milk with ½ teaspoon dietary supplement.
**Before his nap, Johnny has a bottle of either rice milk or coconut milk with a half teaspoon of a dietary supplement. This is important as he is no longer breastfed, so I am concerned about his fat intake. He is not a fussy kid, and even though he doesn't like the allergy-friendly formula, he still likes a bottle before naps and bedtime.
Avocado slices, pumpkin seeds, left over chicken pieces from the day before
Lamb steaks & Seasonal Vegetables
Dessert / Snack
Banana Nice Cream
After a bath, Johnny always has another night time snack. I like to make him a
banana nice cream as I have read that potassium can help people with sleep.
Night time bottle is coconut milk or rice milk with probiotics.
Day Two
Winter Goodness Juice
Banana Buckwheat Pancake with
DIY Coconut Yogurt
Leftover lamb steak and pumpkin seeds
Coconut Water (from yesterday's coconut)
4-Ingredient Easy Chocolate Chia Seed Bars (I make these in a big batch-- they last about a week in the fridge).
Same as Day 1, midday bottle
4-Ingredient Easy Chocolate Chia Seed Bars
Fishy Friday
We do fishy Fridays! This means every Friday we have
salmon. The essential fatty acids in salmon are great for Johnny's eczema and brain development. This fishy Friday we did salmon, spinach and avocado on brown rice.
Banana Nice Cream
Same as above, night time bottle.
Day Three
It's Saturday! This means bacon.
Bacon Quiche Breakfast
4-Ingredient Easy Chocolate Chia Seed Bars
Johnny and I are at my Mum's house today. She makes “
Healing Kitcheri” for him.
Same as above, midday bottle.
Roast chicken pieces (My Dad's contribution to lunch)
Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Mash with Pork & Veggies
Smoothie Bowl
Night time bottle
Note: Generally we do drink a lot of
bone broth, although I didn't use it in the past three days! Bone broth is excellent to use in soups, casseroles, in the slow cooker or even just with sauteed vegetables.
A lot of what I bake and cook is done in large batches so that there are always leftovers, which last another two to three days and sometimes are used as the basis for new meals.
I also have a million Ziplock bags to throw food in when we go out-- seed bars are excellent to take out and about for unexpected snack attacks.
Our whole family has made the switch to clean eating since my son’s diagnosis as it has helped immensely with controlling his previously severe eczema.
An eczema-friendly diet plan for adults can help them cope with the inflammatory skin condition that can cause dry skin patches or even blisters and oozing sores. Eczema can be hereditary or caused by environmental or food allergies, which include cow's milk, eggs, soy products, gluten, nuts, fish and shellfish. And while eliminating all of these from your diet may seem like a Herculean task, if the end result is smooth, painless skin, it may be worth it to try an eczema diet plan for adults. Adults who eliminate these triggers from their meals and incorporate anti-inflammatory foods, such as fish oil, quercetin or probiotics, into their eczema diet plan can benefit!
My husband and I have also benefited from this lifestyle change too in that we have both lost a lot of weight; our skin is clear; we have more energy than ever, and my own asthma seems to be nonexistent!
Learn alternative ways of healing your skin by reading Drs. Grossbart and Sherman's book Skin Deep: A Mind/Body Program for Healthy Skin
Learn more by reading:
My Child has Food Allergies & Eczema: 9 Tips I Can’t Live Without
12 Guiding Principles to Eating Ayurvedically
Success Story: The Bone Broth Diet Helped My Client Melt Away 30 Pounds
Note: PLEASE consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or medications. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only, and is not to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.